liz curtis higgs testimony

You long for it, you anticipate its goodness, but until you take that first juicy, mouthwatering bite, you really have no idea of its goodness! In 2 Peter & Jude, both letters address the need to combat false teaching and to strengthen believers in the truth. Yesterday, at 6:14am, something happened to me, that was satans doing, that tried to destroy my name and others. I dont do facebook. No matter what, I am content and believe Gods peace is one of the greatest gifts I enjoy in the midst of trials. Having grown up without a (real) dad. Yay! "Word by Word with Liz Curtis Higgs" is a 26-minute podcast exploring women of the Bible. I needed to be reminded of this today. I just soaked it up. I believe that Christs gift of salvation provides His followers the assurance of eternal life, a life which begins the moment we confess His Name and receive His Spirit, guaranteeing what is to come (2 Corinthians 1:22). so that you may overflow with hope Romans 15:13. Thank you Liz for reminding me what I know is the truth but can be squashed down by the bad news of the world if I dont remember trust God- all the time. by the power of the Holy Spirit. But I do not have to be downcast. I really enjoyed your FB live broadcast today! Gods goodness is all around us and within us. Yes, he is a good God, because he loves his children. His goodness to me is what fuels me to try to do good to those around me. Gods goodness has helped me with the painful loss. Always there when I need Him. After losing our son unexpectedly on June 5th my husband and I are able to see the goodness of God throughout this heartbreaking experience. In spite of my questions and tantrums this past year, Hes been a patient Father, blessing me with undeserved comfort and help. Isaiah 40:31 is a verse I love and my sister sang it with me as my honey was dying. I thank God he has allowed me to live this long just like gold is purified in the fire, so it is with my ongoing journey finding, appreciating, loving Him. Goodness will come as we walk in realationship with Him. thank you Liz I love how you share Gods word! I praise God for you!!! Over the years God has worked (hard!) The miracle ..he forgives us !! Her books are essential reading for all who love Christian fiction." Bodie Thoene "Francine Rivers puts readers right into the history of the moment." Romantic Times Life with God is an extreme adventure! Your sound like an amazing person. I fail my Lord, yet he is there all the time to lift me up. Last week, she decided to go berry picking and easily picked more than enough berries to bake several pies. He brought me through that season and continues to work in my life. Cant wait to read your book! Blessings my friend, Debi. Im delighted you found something in 31 Verses to Write on Your Heart that might be helpful for your Bible study group. He lifted his shirt and showed me incision marks all way down his abdomen. Every morning. I know that no matter how hard life gets he has my back and is here for me. We have no goodness of our own; how wonderful it is that our heavenly Father credits us with the goodness of Jesus because we are His children whom He loves beyond measure! Ive learned that God can bring light, peace, and even joy at the darkest times of our lives if we only trust and believe Him. The Great Physician. Even every hour when necessary. What an amazing and awesome God we serve!!! and the list goes on and on. I like to say that same rote prayer to myself sometimes Reminds me to remember how good God is! Prayers for family, friends, and those we know need prayer but are afraid or dont know how to ask for it. Thank you God it didnt bite one of my children!! One of the opportunities we had was to be part of a baby washing in the city. Love the simple reminder that God IS good. When we closed the service singing, I Have Decided to Follow Jesus, I walked out of the choir loft and down to the baptistry, ready to make my confession of faith. The colorful and beautiful flowers, the glistening waves on the ocean, sunrise and sunset, all his creatures big and small, and especially in a babys smile. You were so kind and loving at She Speaks and I want you to know it meant the world to me. He is righteous, faithful, and never failing. Her alma mater, Bellarmine University, presented her with a Distinguished Alumni Award in 2005. I was feeling lousy, and this elderly lady shouted out Praise Jesus, He is Good ALL the time! HI!!! He has blessed me in so many ways through so many different circumstances. Those are some of the ways I see His goodness. God is good. No matter what this world is coming to His GOODNESS remains. Liz Curtis Higgs. Amen. He spoke to my heart and said no matter what happens, He is good. We had just begun to attend Gun Lake Community Church in Wayland/Bradley, MI. That without my faith in Him, I would have no hope. Comforting thoughts, in a world gone bad, gone wild, gone mad: Last week, I saw His goodness on display. He recently had surgery, his stomach looked as if he had a small basketball inside, he told me it is a hernia. We need to be still and listen for His prompting and go and do likewise. Listen In Let's Start the Week Together On Facebook LIVE: A scripture, a story, a reflection, and a prayer, all shared in a few lively minutes! Praise Jesus this is the second time today He has reminded me of His goodness. So Liz, your reminder of this is so timely because as you said about the world getting darker, Gods light and love are ever more needed God is good all the time means I can relax. We can never Thank Him enough, for all He does! As I studied my SS lesson from Rev 4; I was reminded again, how good God is and that no matter what I am faced with, He is in control if I trust Him completely. He is SO good to me! Blessings on you! But we dont have to choose, beloved. God is so good! So I love Him. I know that whatever happens, He is faithful and good to me. From the moment we wake up till we close our eyes for sleep, His goodness is all around us. Thank you for what you do for us!! May the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit lift your burdens this day, dear Marte! Thanks for sharing the lovely flower photos and for your words of encouragement and faith. Genres: Inspirational Series Parable 1. I thank God that His goodness is not dependent on me. Sharing the goodness of God to a hurting world can bring light to a dark place. Gods goodness brings to mind Gods grace. Blessings. God is always good! I feel blessed when God uses me to show his goodness to others. Its good to be His Princess. We need to take time to look and watch expectantly! The Best of Liz Curtis Higgs: An Encourager: 3 Books in 1. by Liz Curtis Higgs. I praise Him daily for the goodness He pours out knowing there is little I do to deserve it, but just love receiving it. He always knows what is best for us, even when we dont. Gods goodness = he actually just loves us and wants to love us more to be able to show his love through us to save the lost souls so none should perish . God your are good and your mercy reigns forever!!! These arent simply nice sentiments on a greeting card; these are solid promises from Gods Word. I injured my left arm and could barely move it, my precious 16 year old fur babies passed away six weeks of each other, I went through a total hysterectomy because of possible cancer cells ( praise God it wasnt cancer!) I love you. How Great He is. God is so good he has been blessing my life left and right here lately. Out of *nowhere* doors begin opening, people share what they have without a second thought, and not only do bills get paid, but bonus are overflowing at just the right times! He always gives me sighns that all things my worries will be taken care of and that all my sins are covered in his goodness Jesuss blood. So we put their house up for sale in early February. But I can turn to Gods Goodness and accept forgiveness, love and know that I, not good on my own, am His Beloved. Liz Curtis Higg s is an award-winning speaker, best-selling author, Bible teacher and radio personality, has inspired audiences worldwide. Gods goodness endures forever. God, goodness, grace.what beautiful and hopeful words you share! Thanks for the chance! Paperback. Liz Curtis Higgs. Loved this Liz! God is in control, no matter what. ), but from heart knowledge (I am trusting you, Lord). Praise Him. I Believe and follow only his Word, because my God is goodall the time. I felt the Lord speaking to me, and I bought this man food. God is good. Praise God! Asking for Prayer is a Testimony and a Witness. Wherever there is life, there is God, and He is dishing out hope. God is so good! Sorry, but Ill need to do that, the flight attendant explained, as she pointed the wheelchair toward the jet way. Clearly it was unscripted (and a bit loosey-goosey! The lily came from his yard.) Im happy to say that God is such a wonderful Godall the time! Thank you for considering, and I would understand if I am not allowed. I cant look at any of this without thinking of our sweet Lord Jesus, the creator of all things. God is Good! God can harm us that moment, two more faithful than them, liz curtis higgs testimony was about them grace, beyond healing in his feet off. Thank you so much for your wonderful ministry to all Sisters around the world! God is good and I am so thankful that he is mine and I am his! It is because of Gods goodness that I have been sober for the past 11 1/2 years. God is always good, He loves and sustains me always ? The complications were (and are) very life altering (which is ongoing) He is good. We can rejoice because God is good. His goodness also reminds me of His faithfulness. How lucky we are to have a Father that loves us so much. But one single verse brought me through it all. Like Paul, I am learning that my circumstances can be pretty messy. No matter how much I mess up my life He ia always waiting to pick up my broken pieces. with all joy and peace What an uplifting message today. We had to order more prints and are still sending out the last of our pre-order requests. He is true and faithful and forgives me and gives me another chance every time. Hebrews 13:1-2 Let brotherly love continue. I was in the grips of Satan, bound with a heroin addiction, destined for death but God. Having a 30th birthday party for my oldest daughter. Even when we are blinded to it. We did The Girls Still Got It. However, over the past few weeks I have seen His goodness in huge ways. Everything God does is for my good. I trust Him to take care of me. He had the light of the Holy Spirit in him. Your grateful sister, Liz Praise His Holy name forever!!! Gods goodness is: mercy, faithfulness, love, refuge, power, the gift of Jesus Christ!!! Asking for Prayer is a Testimony and a Witness. A special treat was having award-winning author and speaker Liz Curtis Higgs as our keynote speaker. Liz writes both contemporary and historical fiction: She also created five books for children: And more than 4,500 churches nationwide are using Lizs video Bible study series,Loved by God. He is so good to me! Thank you for the beautiful reminder. Would love to make this a part of my centerpiece on the table. May I escort my new friend to her seat? I turned to see a young man with a kind smile bending toward an elderly woman in a wheelchair. He loves me! We may love our homes, our cars, our stuff but any hope, joy, or peace they give us is temporary at best, easily swept away by fires, floods, or hurricanes (still praying for you, friends). God is in goodness because He is goodness! Ive been facing another life-altering, tough decision-making time for the last several months that is still going on. Thank you for this encouragement and verses! God is good. There is also an accompanying study guide that is very useful for the study. His mercies are renewed each and every day and I am glad that I can walk in that promise. Liz Curtis Higgs - An Encourager As Surely as the Sun Rises Categories: 2021, Blog Even on the gloomiest days, the sun rises. God being good means to me that his intentions are always good. He will always lead me to good. I know that person is still loved by our generous God. The dish would make a nice gift, I want to read the book and then donate it to our church library. His Love is Everlasting~! May our Lord Jesus Christ himself and God our Father, who loved us and by his grace gave us eternal encouragement and good hope, encourage your hearts and strengthen you in every good deed and word. None of us are righteous, but through Christ and because of his love and goodness, we are redeemed. While I may not be able to see the good in the current situation, I know that Gods goodness will eventually shine through. I need to say this to myself every day. So blessed by your thoughtful insights. Warning: Laughter ahead! Former Bad Girl, grateful for God's grace. So excited to dig into this study. God bless you! I once had a teacher at church who told us that every time that we saw her. GIGEW I dont have the energy to clean my house. He is Good and He loves ME! . On Facebook LIVE: A scripture, a story, a reflection, and a prayer, all shared in a few lively minutes! I truly believe The Lord led me to it as I needed to hear your testimony and your outpouring of trust and hope in The Lord! Hope, joy, and peace dont come from any thing or any person. look what he endured. The God of my strength, in whom I will trust. 2 Samuel 22:2-3NKJV. He can never be anything but good. Thank you! His faithfulness in honoring his word. So many times have I felt his love and presence even when I dont deserve it. Oh yes! He loves me even when I dont love me. My surgeon did her part, my radiologist did her part, and my oncologist did his part. God is good all the time, even when I forget He is there. Books by Liz Curtis Higgs. God is good all the time, unlike me, the sinner, who is washed by his goodness daily, sometimes hundreds of times throughout the day when I dont deserve it. WHAT A SHEER DELIGHT TO START MY DEVOTION BY READING YR BLOG.TO SEE YR GREAT HOPE AND JOY .IT IS ALL OVER YR God is good and through His amazing grace, He has offered us the ultimate gift life with Him. Your simple meal-time prayer is the same one I was taught as a child, and the same I am teaching my grandchildren. Its His power, not ours, that puts hope in motion. Romans 15.13 my gift from Papa in 2002-3 after a sad season with Marni Thank you for reminding me. Now I look forward to Sept 19th. I know God will work is out for His good and that all will be better and further the kingdom of God which is our real purpose of this Earth. Oh that everyone would be filled up and overflowing in Gods goodness. I believe in God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. Psalm 103. Its in the sunrise, the sunset, trees, flowers, animals. When teaching it to my granddaughter one day, the profound truth was magnified within me God is great, God is good, truly He is! There is nothing so good as Gods love for us. He blesses me everyday in every waythank you Lord. Gods goodness to me means God is good, even when life on Earth is not. "Word by Word with Liz Curtis Higgs" is a 26-minute podcast exploring women of the Bible. Discover Book Depository's huge selection of Liz Curtis Higgs books online. Gods goodness will shine through all the dark times in our lives . This verse was my verse for the year a couple of years ago and I needed so much a refresher in it. Site by Author Media. He will never leave us nor forsake us, God is very very good all the time. Well our great Father in heaven did just that. Im so glad we know Our Heavenly Father & Son, Jesus & Holy Spirit because they carry gifts to us when we get weighed down with pain, illness, sadness, loss. I serve Him gladly, and always will Amazing Grace! Its a crazy world where we need to be encouraged by Gods words & spirit. Lord give us eyes to see your goodness to us. What a lovely story you told about the young man. Ive had two serious surgeries to remove tumours in my spinal column. We are His messengers. 04 May 2005. with words of encouragements for me from a far away friend going through her own difficult times, that just right sermon/hymn/devotion at that just right moment, having a stranger become a friend in a matter of minutes. It is indeed good to hear the GOOD news when the world is growing darker. Your Bible Study (especially the videos) and the faithful women in the group made me laugh, until I cried! To me, the goodness of God is felt in his presence. I remember when I would do good for the applause and accolades of people (groan) which lead to disappointment when my expectations werent fulfilled. So thankful for Gods goodness and His promises! I cancelled the surgery. The best one is his love and second is my family. Even when I fall short He is there to forgive me and pick me up! God is good all the time and all the time God is good. Cherish each day and love on those around you every chance you haveno one ever knows when God will call us home! God is so GOOD when He can take a wrech like me and turn me into something good and allow me to be used as His embassador for His son Jesus Christ and use me for His Kingdom and allow me another chance to prove to Him that I am a child of the most High God!!! I LOVE that about Him. For a period of time I chose pity as my companion. Give us, Lord, our daily bread. GREETINGS God is always good. No matter how dark things seem He has nothing but love for me, My husband was a local UMC pastor; He moved to heaven in 2009. God is good because in the midst of my chaotic life, He steps in. Sound good? Let's Start the Week . to my heart. Smiles were exchanged, and a warm glow settled on those who were close enough to witness the uncommon scene. Thanks for the reminders today! She has spoken at more than 1,800 conferences in all 50 states of the U.S. and 15 foreign countries, including South Africa, Indonesia, Germany, Ecuador, and Japan. God IS good, all the time! What a JOY it is to have my 37th book on store shelves this autumn! Her way of writing fiction entertwined with Biblical facts allows the reader to enjoy this study! Liz Curtis Higgs is an award-winning speaker as well as the author of twenty-eight books, including Bad Girls of the Bible and Thorn in My Heart. God knows hearts. Finally, I was. ! And GOD did!!!!! I have thought about this all evening, and pray that he will be okay. God will open up the windows of heaven and pour you out a blessing, and you will not have the room to receive it! Micah 3:10 (paraphrased). As we look at Gods demand for justice and our role in this world of injustice, I need to remind people that God is a God of goodness. It is a rich and full life. Jan-2001. I have not received His peace but have faith His answer will give me direction soon. Ive seen him work in my life to bring more than I could have asked for or even imagined, especially during two rough patches. And God is good and Hes seeing us through. All the time God is good. No man, woman, child, living thing is good. I had a rough day today and was feeling very low. And Liz providesa twenty-first century take on the book of Ruth in The Girls Still Got It, dishing out meat and milk, substance and style, in a highly readable, always entertaining, and deeply personal journey. FREE delivery Mon, Feb 13 on $25 of items shipped by Amazon. He is good I couldnt eat, sleep, or pray, but God never left me. God is immeasurably good even beyond our wildest imaginations and dreams. Kindness undoes me. Release date: 01-03-17. Your privacy is vital to me. Aadir a la cesta. God is good, ALL the time! So refreshing and true. I chose to read one a week most of the weeks leading up to Easter. No matter how much I doubt him, question him, get angry with him, or run from him he is still there when I come to my senses and turn back to him. I think of how he protects my children and grandchildren daily; He provided my husband and children jobs to put food on the table. My husband recently got convicted of a crime that he did not commit and was sentenced to 25 years. Yes, God is good. "Word by Word with Liz Curtis Higgs" is a 26-minute podcast exploring women of the Bible. We have a new Pastor at our church and she is awesome! There have been SO many times I had to rest on these verses of Gods Goodness. Anna. Flashes of lighting and roles of thunder. Gods goodness to me means that He loved me so much he sent his son to die for me and take the place of my sin. I pray He allows me to see others as He does- in love. Language: English. BEAMING, OVERFLOWING He has a plan for her and He will be faithful to complete them. Agnes. Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares. He is so good to everyone all the time!!! He gives me far more than I ever deserve, including forgiveness for my sins and eternal life with Him. He was just hungry! Thanks again Liz. I love your statement, Gina. Liz, you are so correct, God is SO VERY GOOD ALL THE TIME!!!! Satan loves to keep us from seeing it. Her Parable Series for children has been awarded the ECPA Gold Medallion for Excellence. It is part of His very character. How comforting to have a Father who is intrinsically good! I recited the God is Great prayer as a child also. I finally gave them over to God. I pray for his health and him being out in this heat. Thanks for this today! Was such a new believer, I wasn't entirely sure what a testimony was. Also, I was impressed with the realization that I was passing that truth down to the next generation, and I trust that my granddaughter will in turn pass it on to the generation after her. In another recent devotional, "31 Verses to Write on Your Heart," Curtis Higgs explores 31 favorite verses chosen by more than a thousand women. Listen In. Lord Jesus, this dear mothers fears are completely understandable. For the first time in my life, Debby, I have some understanding of the greatly fatigued challenge, and it is SO hard. In a world with so much corruption and where so many people are just looking out for number one, it is truly refreshing and encouraging when our Lord reminds us we are not walking alone but that no matter what, He is always with us and that we have many Christian sisters standing with us, standing up for Jesus. Despite my parents best efforts to raise a wholesome, small-town girl, I veered off track in my teens and started hanging out with a faster crowd. The post A Different Kind of Sacrifice appeared first on Liz Curtis Higgs. Gods goodness to me means Gods word is the only CONSTANT thing in this ever changing world.Gods goodness to me is the consolation his word gives me in my darkest hours. Here youll find my favorite photos, snippets from my books, interesting bits of Scottish history, tips for travelers, recommended Scottish books and music, and my wee blog. Gods goodness is everything. Sign up here for my free, once-a-month Bible study post (short and sweet, with a lovely giveaway), and a once-in-a-blue-moon email, when I have exciting news to share. This is what I love most about God. He is GREAT (powerful, holy, without beginning or end, omniscient) and He is GOOD (merciful, gracious, tender-hearted, patient, forgiving)! All things means all thingseven when we dont understand how they are good, He does. He said he sleeps on the sidewalks around town in this terrible heat! In fact, I fear that He must be angry. Praise His name! Waiting is hard but God is Good and now soon I will fly like the Eagle. It amazes me to know that He loves me so much, even though I havent always done as I should towards and for Him; He loves me anyway. He continues to show us the way and hold our hand as we walk those difficult paths. 4614 Brownsboro RdLouisville, Kentucky 40207502-897-6421. Liz Curtis Higgs 2014. To copy form the hymn, my hope is built on nothing less than Jesus blood and rightness. Clinging to this truth brings joy to every day, in every circumstance. GOD is so good. breath and living water such a marvelous mystery. Recently, I have been going through a really stressful time related to my employment. . Praise be to God! Indeed, He is a greatGod, mighty and awesome (Deuteronomy 10:17). Love how you show us the way through humor and creativity. And richly bless you, Liz, as God has blessed me through you and your sweet devotionals and books. Only 1 left in stock - order soon. How do I fit trusting God in all this? Yes, God is good ALL the time! God is true love and He is ALWAYS good! I prayed both before and after applying for this new position and many of my family and friends are praying for my situation as well. God is Love. God keeps blessing me despite my failures. A verse I can hang on to in any situation and any day , Numbers 23:19 God is not a man that he should lie, nor a son of man that he should repent.